So I bet you were wondering when I was going to post again... It's been a crazy week at work and I haven't had much time to devote to blogging. I managed to take a few pics on my phone this weekend. My actual camera doesn't have any batteries in it so this was a last resort since I don't really like the camera on my phone.
I attended Graduation this weekend at Beacon High. Boy was it hot out!!! Jon yelled at me for wearing all black to it. But in my defense, that was all I had left in my wardrobe were the 2 items I wore. I was in serious need of doing laundry.
Sunday I attended a grad party for my friends Cheyenne and Kristy. I had photo with Cheyenne and Drama with Kristy when I was in school.

Hey look who it is KATIE(^in the brown)!!!! her and her BF flew out from Lakewood, WA to see graduation and to attend the parties.
Kristy is tying the Bandana on Cheyennes head. It was real funny to watch some of the people swing and completely miss the sun. this on kid kept hitting branches. another swung and hit the rope and knocked the sun off the rope. yet it still didn't break when it hit the ground.
Watch out for Cheyenne she's dangerous when she swings!!! she almost hit a few people who were standing behind the fence.

So that was my weekend.
Hey, Kate. Didn't know mom kicked you off the blog. I'll add this to my list of blogs to watch.
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