so I'm thinking of switching up my blog a bit. I don't want to bore you guys with itty bitty boring bits of my life. So I was thinking of making this half personal blog half photography blog. Photography has been a passion of mine for a while, and this will help me improve my photo skills more. It's only too bad that I don't have an old camera and a photo studio to do actual developing. I miss develpoing photo's. there's something about being in a dark room that I just love. I personally find my blog boring, so if it's boring me it must be boring others as well.
So here are a few photos I've taken on my new phone. I'm actually quite satisfied with the quality. my last phone was quite crappy when it came to photo quality.

Feel free to comment on the pics.
both pics are cool - but I like the second the best - i like the shadow/contrast going on
For a camera phone, that's pretty awesome. I especially like the light in the second pic, but the swiss cheese look is cool too. Interesting topics. I don't think I'd have thought to take pics of those things.
Nice camera for a phone, mines not that good. I don't use it very much. I wouldn't have thought to take pictures of those things.
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