Hello Fellow Swappers!!! I decided to put this swap in my Blog. It wasn't the most eventful day, but it was a busy day none the less.
I made a trip to one of my local Starbucks coffee shops. I have been craving their Pumpkin spice latte for a few days now. I went 2 days in a row for it and both days they were out of their pumpkin Spice mix. So I settled For Peppermint white Chocolate Mocha and a slice of their Holiday Gingerbread. Boy is it Yummy!! it has slivers of crystallized ginger through out it as well as on top.
Got home with my yummy Starbucks. I settled in turned up the heat in the house because I was freezing and drank my coffee. for the next hour I just lazed around and enjoyed my day off from work by catching up on my tivo recordings.
Time to re-touch up my roots. I have been meaning to do this for over a month. I probably had an inch and a half of my natural color showing. ick!!! and being a hair stylist I really needed to recolor and get the roots gone. Yes I'm using a box dye. I know I shouldn't as a stylist, but old habits die hard. I've been using this color for a year and a half.
apparently my glove had a hole in it. I spent probably a good 20 min soaking my finger in color remover and trying to scrub it off but it is still stained.
I just finished putting the color in. now I sit and wait to wash it out. didn't think you would want to see the inside of my shower so I didn't take a picture of that. I ended up playing bejeweled to pass the time. with out my glasses on I can't really do much cause I can't see very well. So the computer was the easiest and only thing I could see. lol
1 pm: I cleaned out my car but I didn't take a picture cause I highly doubt you wanted to see what it looked like. I live in my car practically. I'm always driving places and am always on the go so I carry a lot with me.
Lunch was a little late. I ordered it at 2 while I was trying to get all the pieces out to set up the Christmas Village. But it was so Yummy(seems to be my favorite word today). They call this Pizza "Grandma's Pizza" I'm not so sure why. It has chunks of garlic and chunky sauce and a little bit of cheese. the crust was nice and fluffy as well.
Finally I got the village up. I had a few minor mishaps. Started opening the box upside down and a few pieces fell out. 2 of the people fell out broke at the feet. so now I need to glue them back together. Overall I think the Village came out looking very nice.
4 pm
I decided to sit down and read my book. I love this series. It is classified as young adult, but I find them intriguing. more action in them then the twilight series. Once I finish I can start on the next book which I had to go pick up at the Library.
6 pm
Went to the Library to pick up the items that came in for me. The 4th book in the series I'm reading came in so now I really need to hurry up and read Shadow Kiss. I can't wait to watch The Soloist. it looks like such a good movie.
The rest of my night was spent reading and doing a lil more catch up on tivo. before I decided to head up to bed around 10:30. I was supposed to go out christmas shopping with a friend of mine but those plans were canceled on her part. oh well Maybe today the shopping will get done.
I hope you enjoyd spending a day with me.
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
Spend a day with me Swap
Posted by Kate at 11:55 AM 4 comments
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
It kinda ticks me off that I only ever have 1 person really who comments on my blogs (Thank you Nate). Especially when I can see that certain people I know visited my blog just by the city that appears in my counter on the side. I put effort into my blogs and enjoy seeing comments but I never have any. It would be nice to know sometimes that my family does read my blog and actually enjoyed my post.
Posted by Kate at 10:25 PM 4 comments
Sunday, December 6, 2009
Circle of Friends
I love my friends. My friend Nate who I've known since we were babies, gave me this award on his blog. I've never gotten an award for a blog, and its understandable that I haven't cause I hardly blog. But this award is special cause it's about friends. I want to thank you Nate for giving me this award.
Now on to the rules that come along with receiving this award.
1.) grab the award
So here it goes. 5 things I love to do.
1) Makeup: I love putting makeup on and doing it all fun and fancy. I also love doing other people's makeup. I'd rather do makeup than hair.
2) Music: I love everything about music. I love to sing, play music, dance, go to concerts. Every time I attend a concert an indescribable feeling comes over me. It's kinda like a feeling of warmth, joy, excitement. I can't quite find the right words to describe it.
3) Photography: I love taking pictures. it's a hobby of mine. I wish I had a SLr camera. that would fuel my love of photography even more.
4) Spending time with Rob: I love him. every minute we spend together is precious to me. I never thought I would find someone who loves me and accept all my flaws and medical issues. he truly cares for me and loves me. even if we do nothing and just stay in and watch a movie, I'm perfectly fine with it cause I just love spending quality and precious time with him.
5) Sleeping in: any chance I get I love to sleep in. I just love sleeping late into the day. if only the sun didn't shine directly in my room in the morning and lightn it completely up.
Now if only I could come up with people to give this award to. I don't know many people who actually blog.
I'll give this award to my sisters:
1) Beth @ Observations and such Even though we fought a ton well into our teenage years I love her to death and miss her a lot.
2) Leslie @ Fluff & nonsense My Big sister twin. lol even though their is a big age difference. whenever were out together we sometimes get asked if we are twins.
3) Colleen @ As Is Proper I don't get to see her and her kids much, but her blog keeps me informed. I miss them
and a few friends:
4) Laura @ mendoukusai Don't get to see her that often anymore but she is a great person. We met through Nate years ago at his 13th birthday party. I can't believe I remember that.
and Finally:
5) Nate @ This is how it feels yes I'm putting you in here Nate even though you were the one who nominated me. I love him we've grown up together. it's really been a pleasure knowing him
Their you go. I have finished it. lol
Posted by Kate at 7:58 AM 1 comments
Friday, December 4, 2009
Halloween a month late
I never got around to posting when I said I would. I can't believe how busy I have been. So busy that I only uploaded my Halloween pics a few days ago. Go figure.Rob and I went to Craig's House for his Halloween party. It was a chilly night. NO I did not go around all night in just my costume. I wore a coat most of the night cause it was around 35 degrees out that night.
This is Craig. He was co captain of the kickball team rob plays on.
Of Course I had to post my favorite pic of me and Rob. or should I say Waldo. His costume was a hit not only at the party but also at both of his jobs. People kept on shouting. I found Waldo!!
Me and Jaime. I love her to death.
Posted by Kate at 1:31 PM 1 comments
Friday, November 20, 2009
still here
I've been meaning to blog for a while now. but with the new job i've been busy i"ll get to blogging prob this afternoon or weekend.
Posted by Kate at 12:11 PM 4 comments
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Shows at Renn Faire
So we only saw a few shows at the Renaissance Fair. First we went to the Mudd Brothers. That pretty much is a glorified mud wrestling show. lol. then we went to The Royal Chess Match. All the Royals Come out for that. It was pretty cool. After The chess match we went to the Dextre Tripp Show. He does fire juggling, knife juggling, He even juggled a chain saw that was on along with an apple and a bowling ball at one time. He used a lot of audience members in he stunts. He had one girl hold a pretzel in her mouth while he was juggling knives and then proceeded to cut the pretzel in half with a flying knife. it was pretty intense.
Here are the Mudd Brothers:
This was a balance trick that the 2 Stupid Guys(yes that's the name of the act) did before the chess match to hype the crowd. Once again, audience participation.
This was the start of the chess match. It wasn't your typical chess match. Pretty much it would be dictated who would fight who and then you would see a sword fight, ax fight etc.
I couldn't help myself. I had to take a picture of this adorable baby. and look at the drool. He's too cute:
Dextre Tripp:
Posted by Kate at 9:18 PM 1 comments
Claddagh Ring
The way that a Claddagh ring is worn on the hand is usually intended to convey the wearer's romantic availability, or lack thereof. The ring is worn on the right hand with the heart facing outward to show that the wearer is not romantically linked but is looking for love. When turned inwards, it is shown that the wearer is in a relationship, or their heart has been "captured". Noting that the heart is pointing down the hand and into the veins which lead to the wearer's heart. The ring worn on the left hand with the heart facing outward shows the wearer is engaged; turned inward indicates the wearer is married.[1]
Posted by Kate at 6:40 PM 1 comments
NY Renaissance Faire( a lot of Pictures)
Yesterday, Rob, Me Dee, Jaime, and Rev went to the NY Renaissance Faire. Believe it or not I have never gone to it before and it has been going on for YEARS. Their was a ton to see and plenty of shops to go into. We left around 8 30 am and got their just as the gates were opening up at 10. We walked around all day until the gates closed at 7. That was a lot of walking. I was so exhausted by the end of the night. It was fun seeing all the different costumes people wore to the Faire. Shopping was fun. I didn't get much but that's not a big deal. We were looking at Jewelry and we came across some claddagh rings. I saw one in a case that looked pretty on top, and seemed to look like it would fit my finger. I asked the girl if I could see it, and she was telling me that this was the last one of this design. It was antique design and, the band has filigree all over it. Rob knew I wanted one, so when the girl took it out and I tried it on, he asked me if that's the one I love and wanted, I said yes it was, and he bought it for me. I was not expecting that. later in the day I bought a necklace that is hand blown glass with Perfume in it. you got to choose whichever perfume you wanted and she would pour it in the necklace of your choice. I went with Victorian Garden which has a rose scent.
On our way to the flush Privies(actual bathrooms and not port a potties), we came across the Kissing Bridge. It is custom that you kiss when passing under the arch. We felt that Dee needed a kiss since she didn't have any one to give her one, so Jaime and myself took it upon us to give her a kiss on the cheek. (Mom close your eyes for the next pic. lol)
Rob and I actually crossed first before we ran back and gave Dee a kiss. HE-HE.
These pictures were actually taken towards the end of the night just as we were heading out teh gate. I find them funny. You could change what it said above your head. My favorite is teh insufferable diva one.
Ahhh first thing in the morning. I know my pictures are out of chronological order, but oh well.
I'm gonna post more pictures later of the Events we went to during the day.
Posted by Kate at 3:52 PM 5 comments
Thursday, August 6, 2009
I went camping this past weekend with Rob. what an experience for me. I haven't been camping in years. The last time I went was on the annual niece camping trip with Aunt Deb and Uncle Ron. That wasn't a fun trip so it left a sour taste in my mouth for camping. But I actually had fun this time.
We set up the tent and got eaten alive by mosquito's so we decided to make a trip to the gas station real quick to pick up something to eat and some bug spray. we tended the fire most of the night because most of the wood was damp and wouldn't stay lit by itself very long. We did manage to get a good fire though.
As we were falling asleep I heard a few branches snap and it freaked me out. So he got out of the tent with the flashlight and looked around to put my mind at ease. At some point in the night I heard a coyote howl a few times, but it wasn't too close so it didn't bother me.
Posted by Kate at 10:51 AM 2 comments
Monday, July 27, 2009
short and sweet.
went in for my final exam that I had to take at school today. it was a mock state board exam. we usually do the entire state board practical as out final exam for school. I passed! got a 92. I was a nervous wreck. thought I wasn't going to finish the haircut in time and my pic curls were teh worst they ever were. but I still managed to pull a 92. now I can sit back and relax... well not really picked up a ton of extra hours at work this week.
Posted by Kate at 6:10 PM 1 comments
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
I'm finished
well it's official!! I have finished cosmetology school. now i sit and wait to hear on the jobs that i applied for. I hate waiting. and to be honest. I have no clue what to do with myself with all this free time. it is just weird to have time off like this during the week. But I'm keeping busy chasing Olivia around the living room and playing with her.
Posted by Kate at 3:11 PM 3 comments
Friday, July 10, 2009
K fest 2009
I got picked for to help out at the locks of love tent that Capri had at k104's k fest. Surprisingly we had more people come to the tent that I thought we were going to get. we had at least 25 women cut off their hair. we also did men's hair cuts for a $5 donation.Jens Sunburn. lol she missed a few places.
we had quite a long line at one point.
Posted by Kate at 7:41 PM 0 comments